Alpha Release/Playtesting

In the last two weeks, we have been putting together the final elements for our first level design (level 1), we had our playing testing session with U of T and UBISOFT last week, our game was played through our itch page (uploaded the version we had so far). 

Most of the feedback we got from both parties was similar and in line with our already working changes. We had one major conflicting feedback since we started building our game, which is the issue of having the potion being dropped above the player or having them on the floor thereby giving the player an option to pick which potion (creature) they would want to transform to. 

We decided on keeping the potion falling from above the player because the initial game back story involves the witch dropping/throwing the potions to curse the players. 

These are the updated items we would be working/worked on as we keep on developing the game;

1. Moved the camera further back and up so the environment is more visible; camera zoom-in effect so does not get obstructed by objects

2. Moved some gems on the table and high shelves so the chicken form can get them easier; placed a gem at the end of a tunnel so human has advantage

3. Gem makes a shinny sound that gets louder as the player gets closer; player jumping and falling sounds added

4. Added witch line “I’m coming for you, fool!” when time is running out (10 sec left)

5. Reduced game volume significantly

6. Added tunnel, rearranged/resized objects

7. Included instruction at the beginning of the game

8. Objects were rearranged/resized so that the player has more room to move

9. Include timer power-up and a tutorial level

10. Differentiated the potions by changing how each looked so a player will know and get to pick from the floor when the fall


The team reviewed the models so far and adjusted them, we also included the dragon potion alongside with the timer power-up, with will give the player additional time to complete the game if needed.

The next step for us is to get all the current issues resolved and work towards making level 2 and a tutorial level in time for our BETA presentation for next week.

The music team has included the background music, chicken sounds, dragon, and other sound effects as the player interacts with the environment.

Dev team implemented the UI designs for the game (still updating it), they have been working on resolving the animation issues we had, laggy of the player movement, and also the glitches we have been experiencing.


2022-3-19 Devlog 1.pdf 30 kB
Mar 20, 2022

Get A Fool's Run

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