
- Potion spawning mechanism has been changed. Potions now spawn at strategic locations when approached, so that players can plan their gameplay better. Different cues for the potion spawning locations may be implemented.

- Tutorial level has been added. More detailed implementation coming soon.

- New forest level has been added. More detailed implementation coming soon.

- New room has been added.

- Scoring system is being implemented

- Death timer has been replaced by a stopwatch timer that can increase score the faster a player completes a level. This is to allow especially beginner players to have more time to explore a level and the environment while learning how the game works. The scoring system will still reward players for completing a level faster and more efficiently/strategically and motivate players to retry a completed level.

- Possibility of scoreboard

- New menu and pause options have been added with improved UI

- Obstacles have been removed for smoother gameplay

- New mouse model being added

- Victory scenes may be added

- Possibility of new sound effects (e.g. jumping)

- Character movements will be fine-tuned to reduce lag and "floatiness/slowness" of some characters such as chicken falling to the ground, so that a wrong jump is not as penalizing because the chicken would fall back to the ground faster

- Colliders being adjusted so that it does not look like a player is floating on an object or blocked by an invisible barrier

Get A Fool's Run

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